I am Santhosh
Software Engineer At Peppy Pulse Private Limited
I have been instrumental in the development, design, and management of company websites and e-commerce platforms. My role encompassed not only the technical aspects of web development but also the research and understanding of product specifics. This holistic approach ensured that the digital platforms were not only functionally robust but also accurately represented the products in detail, thereby enhancing.
TechBuz Co-Founder and Developer
I have co-developed TechBuz.net, a comprehensive mobile specifications and comparison platform. This website currently boasts a substantial user base of approximately 100,000 monthly users. My contributions have been instrumental in creating a user-friendly interface that provides detailed mobile specifications and facilitates easy comparison, thereby enhancing the user experience and driving user engagement.
Social Media Clone Using Django
FEB 2023
I’ve developed a replica of a social media platform using Django. The application encompasses features such as post liking, post creation, post deletion, and the ability to follow or unfollow other users. For user authentication and authorization, I’ve utilized Django’s inherent authentication system.
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Shopify Product Bundle App Using Next.js
MAY 2023
I’ve developed a Shopify tool, “Product Bundler”. It enables users to design, tweak, and showcase product packages in their store, set discounts, and track bundle sales.
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Flipkart Scraper API Using Python
JAN 2023
I have developed a Flipkart scraper API that extracts product details from the Flipkart e-commerce website. The API uses Python's BeautifulSoup library for web scraping and stores the extracted data in a MySQL database. Additionally, the API returns the product details in JSON format. The API allows users to search for a specific product and retrieve its price, rating, and other relevant information.
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Music Controller Using Spotify API
MAR 2023
I’ve built a collaborative music controller application leveraging the Spotify API, Django, and React.js. This app enables users to join a shared space and collectively manage music playback through a voting system for song skipping. It also provides functionalities for room creation and music queue management. This project showcases my skills in web development, API utilization, and the creation of real-time collaborative applications.
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Chat App Using Flutter
APR 2023
I’ve created a real-time chat application utilizing Flutter. This application facilitates users to exchange text messages instantly. It offers features for users to modify their username, update their profile information, and locate other users via their usernames. The backend database, Firebase Firestore, is employed for the storage of chat conversations.
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